Monday, July 6, 2009

The Fourth

Even though you were far away, physically, you always manage to pop up into everything I do.

Yupp, that's how boring this Independence Day was, well compared to previous ones. The food was nice though, the bad thing is that I can't burn off the fat I gain off the goodass food. Can't sweat cause of this stupid cast, and it still starting to stink. FUCKK. One more week.

Another death... RIP Billy Mays, you always got my attention from your first line,

I also never knew how much Micheal Jackson's songs go. He's the only singer I've been listining to this whole week. Pretty cool.

People I hear all the time say, "
NOW you listen to him."
Well, usually I'll contradict you and start up another argument with the people who do say it, but this time, I'm going to stick with, "You're right."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Two-In-One Day

Life ain't smiling at me these days.

I'll find someway to smile back. Cause it's what I do.

Oh fasho.

[So Sick - Ne-Yo]
Throwback. Shit Go.

You know what don't go?

My Cast :(


To celebrate my 10th post on blogspot, I received this fabulous present


Woohooo, that's the way to continue my weakass summer. I hope it's temporary, the x-rays couldn't tell whether it's broken or not, so they put a cast on it anyways. I'm going to get it checked again on Monday. I swear the doctor is stupid, okay, I promised, on my first blog post, I wouldn't talk about my day, but count this as an exception, because I have to vent about this sheiit.

Kay, doctor appointment scheduled at 5:30, yess I could sleep in :D. Once I arrived there, I checked in, and waited. Waited. And Waited. 1 hour later the doctor calls me in the room. And I'm sitting there with my Dad, waiting, waiting waiting, its about 7 now. This Asian woman doctor comes in, all friendly and shit, then she's all nice and I'm like cannn I gooo homeee???? My wrist ain't even that baddddd. And she grabs my wrist, and pushes on certain parts.

She gets to a point where she pushes one point of my wrist and I wince, or flinch, cause it goddamn hurt. See, she doesn't seem to get that.

Scenario 1
Doctor: "Does it hurt here?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long: "OWWW YEAHHH!"
*Pushes different part on my wrist*
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"Nah it's okay there.*
*Goes back to same point on my wrist where it hurt*
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"ahhh that hurts!"
*Goes higher on my wrist*
Doctor:"Not here?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"Nope"
*Goes back to where it hurts.*
Doctor:"Here though right?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"YESSSS!"
*Goes differnt part of my hand"
Doctor:"Not here thoe?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"Nope"
*Goes back to where it hurts."
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:OWWW

Then she looks at my Dad, and is like, "See how he pulls back when put pressure on that part, it could mean its broken. See him pull back?" *Pushes same point where it hurts, I pull back* "See like that? It means it could be broken." Pushing the same spot like 50 times to have a hunch that it's broken, and at a spot on my hand where she can't x-ray it for some stupid reason. I swear she treated me like a ragdoll or something.

On top of that, I went to get an x-ray, with this cool black guy that talked to me about basketball. I swear, he lightened the mood a little.
But THENN I go back to the same woman who does the same process
"See? Look how he pulls back, that means it could be broken."
and I'm thinkin, No shit sherlock, why are you even a doctor? I could even said that.
So, she sends me to the cast room, even thoe she's not sure that whether I have a broken bone or a sprain. And guess what, the cast putter-onner is cross eyed with stanky ass breath.

Scenario 2
"Do yoo drink soooda?"
"Do yooo drink anythinng with a caaann?"
"Uhh don't tell me you drink beeeeeer."
"I drink lemonade?"
"Well, hold your hand our like your giving me a can."

Fuck are you serious? Shoulda told me that at the start. I know your trying to be nice and shit, but after making me wait 3 hours, I just wanna hurry it up and let me play some videogames. Then you make me look stupid when I say "Lemonade" making it look like lemonade comes in a can.
All of that, and it's probably not even broken, doesn't feel like it, but my dad had to "MAKE SURE."

Well, if it is broken, don't be surprised when I come back to school in the fall and look fat. I'm not supposed to sweat, so no exercise.

Every person I have seen so far laughed at me cause of this cast. T_T. Not cool.

Friday, June 26, 2009


First time I went out in a while. Transformers, with the beautiful Megan Fox omg. I lost the air from my lungs and had goosebumps every single time her face, her legs, her body, anything showed up on that theater screen. I'm not the typical guy that would check out every girl's ass they see walking by, believe me, but I admit, Megan Fox makes me think twice about what kind of guy I really am. <3 (Vanessa Hudgens you still up there though.)

Anyways, other Mrs. Megan Hayworth, the highlight of my day was eating this scrumptious 2/3 pound giganto burger with three cheeses. I know, three cheeses, I didn't know it was possible either. Ate the wedges with nacho jalepino cheese omg, I'm still full 8 hours later.


Yeap, heart attack on a bun, but vegitarians, your missing out. I ended up eating more than two of my friends that went with me combined, but it's cool. I'm satisfied. Speaking of heart attacks. RIP THE KING OF POP. I love your music ever since my dad put that Jackson 5 CD on blast.

Let's move on. (I just didn't want people to be mad at me.) ;)

I noticed in the movie, well, in almost every movie with love in it, the lovebirds have a hard time saying "I love you." I know people write in their myspace headlines, away messages, and on their friggen forehead, that "love" is a strong, meaningful word. We hear you on that, really. If this 4 letter word holds this strong power, how would we know when to use it then? People will have their girlfriends, and boyfriends and stuff in high school but I guess they don't love each other? Do we have to survive a Decepticon invasion, or a nuclear holocaust together to test our love? What is the ultimate test to know if you really love your partner. Some people say that when your in love, you'll know. I thought I did know recently, until I see that damn Shia, and Megan Fox have trouble saying it, while Shia's stupid ass says "I adore you." And then Mrs. Megan Hayworth says it when Shia is about to die. Wtfreak? What if he didn't wake up? YOUR TOO LATE WOMAN NOW YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH MY LOSERASS, but I won't complain.
It's hard for me to really know what it is, especially when I watch a movie like that. I have to compare my love to the ones I see in these movies. Which honestly, seems like no match.

But even through all that thinking, analyzing, being boredness, all I think about is one person while I write. No, not Megan Fox or Vanessa Hudgnes. Yeah, even through all this I still feel like I really do love this one girl I've known for what it seems like forever. Even through all of that, I still 100% believe that I love you. No fucking doubt. And I don't give a fuck about what anyone says about it. We fight, we struggle, we tear eachother inside out and about, but there's no question on what I feel.
Forever and ever, but I can only hope.

Seems like that burger aint enough to fufill my fatass stomach. Writing/Typing can work up a appetite. I'm hungry again, and my friends were right about how I was going to be hungry. I secretly knew I was going to be hungry again anyways. I realized I said "hungry" a lot that last paragraph. Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry. Yee boi. Yes, I am that bored.

Ahh well, too much for 2nite.
Welps, Lateralligator.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Haircut Part Two

OVERDUE! Let's Play Catch Up on These Blogs This Week.

I've been totally into my summer and games that I lost sight of my social life. Fuck it, now on, hit me up and I'll pick up the call and we out like trout. That's partially the reason why I haven't been blogging, sorry. Anywho....

Kay, it was a close poll, but yeah, got it done. You didn't expect it to happen, huh? I know, I didn't think I'd follow through either, but thanks to Schyster. Once I sat down, I thought he was gonna ask something like "are you sure?" but wtfff he just came outa nowhere and just did it. But I ain't mad.

"Gotta fresh line-up (yeah), fresh outfit, dadadadada"
Okie, I don't know about the fresh outfit, I'm still the same Kento that doesn't wear jeans I guess. It's one step at a time my friends, one step.

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It's been like two weeks so it ain't so super freshhh, but it's still good, well to me I like it, and I don't care if you don't. Getting it shorter next time because my hair grows fast for some reason. So call me G.I.JOE, or say how I look like my brother, I don't care. It's funny how the people making fun of me were the ones telling me to get it. "So get used to it, cause this how its gon be."

Eww acne, and yes, that's BabyVanessaHudgens on my wall.

Friday, June 5, 2009


"Kento, get a haircut." Is usually what I hear almost everyday, so I just MIGHT take your advice. Below is a poll to see whether I should do it or not, since people are so desperate to see me with a fresh line-up. I admit, this shit does get in the way sometimes, but don't blame me, I had this style all my childhood so it's hard to detach myself from it, and what if I cut it and I don't like what I look like with a line-up?

So... this is where it goes, please vote honestly, and vote on what you think will be better, not what your curious on. If you just vote and your reason is "I just want to see" GTFO! Your vote is unwanted.

OKIE! Ready set GO!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Since I was sick all weekend, all I practically did was watch T.V. Ughh I'm sweating just sitting here, this is weak, but my television cheers me up.

She totally failed, I swear when she walked on stage I thought something was gonna happen, she looked like she was on crack. ahaha

Every time I watch someone hold up an award, whether it's an MTV Movie Award or NBA Championship or whatever, I can't imagine myself doing that. I'll be too scared I'd drop it like her. But her mishap can't be as bad as eminem losing his manhood. ahaha

The thing is, twilight won everything which sucked, but whatever. All I cared about was seeing Vanessa Hudgens and hear her cuteass laugh. Which made my sick day worth while. Fuck Zac Efron. I should start an Anti-ZacEfron committee or something, I hate that beezy.

I still needa figure out how to add music to this page, too lazy thoe, music dies so fast for me cause I usually put songs on repeat till I get bored and move on. I know you all do it. So... help me if you know how? okayycoool

Welps, it looks like no school for me tomorrow, but I can't argue with that.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


uhm before I do this I'd like to say...

Happy Birthday to bruh Jonathan Masulitt, shout out woowoowoo, GO LUKE WALTON LESS GO! HES THE BEST PLAYER ALIVE! Shoot, hella memories, sleepovers, roomates, movies, basketball errythingg dude, stay making me laugh easy, and know what to say and everything when I need it most. That's why I love you no homo blahhd. You made a positive influence in my life, and I never second guess that shit. I still got more stroke than your set shot, fuckin weakass ahha.

Happy Birthday to Kyle Manalang, my inspiration for this blog thingy mabober and tells me to keep posting. Haha only started talking this year at lunch because I'm a loner at lunch so I decided to sit at your table. Yeah, your mean to me but I don't care, you make me laugh sometimes which is all good. ahaha It's good to make new friends and I'm happy your one of them. Happy Birthdayyyyy loser.

What is it like 11 more days of school left? I'm so excited for summer and I don't even know why! My summer is gonna be killed cause of basketball camp and I'm not going to go anywhere so why am I cheering? Oh yeahhh, I want school to end cause I love sleeping... with a passion like you don't even know. Once I lay down in my queen size, soft, blue, bed with my 2 blue pillows, my christmas present pillow, and omg, it's like heaven on earth. I love it not only cause its comfy but this is where my dreams and aspirations come to play. "My World, My Universe" kinda thing, where nothing matters anymore. Only if this could apply to real life. No drama, no pain, just fantasy and dream come true stuff. I just lay there, even though I'm awake, staring at the ceiling or closing my eyes just going off to infinity and beyond. So yeah, if you think I sleep cause I'm just lazy, think againnn.

Wow I just spend my time talking about what happens in my bed... Weird ;);)
It's where the magic happens babyy.

I just want to get all these projects, tests, finals, early wake-ups and late sleeping, ALL over with. I don't want to live by this routine, talk about being free... Sheiiit, I'm probably going to be doing a boring ass routine the rest of my life.
To my followers/readers: Spice up my life. You're capable of doing it.

Alrightt Guys, I think I'm done here.

Monday, May 25, 2009

It's Not Unusual

Kay, here we go.

Alright, recently, I have been criticized about how my blog "hates" too much and how emo I sound. I blame myself for this, because when I do reread my previous blogs, all I do is look down on life. Let's get this clear.

I love my life. I find it weird how people sometimes say "life sucks" or "FML!" I'm not bragging or anything, but yeah, I said that stuff before too. Then I see a homeless man walking down the street, then I realize how easy my life is, getting everything handed to me and getting stuff I want. I'm lucky, I admit, and sometimes I don't think i deserve it. But yeah, to get it straight, I'm sorry I hate a lot, but I am absolutely not emo.

Ehh, Thanks for the feedback.

Hmmm, I realized that kissing ass can get you far in life. It's like what I have to do for my English project... Basketball...... EVERYTHING. Should I be more like Carlton?

NAHHHH, I don't want to turn out like that. Looks fun though, but you won't EVER see me doing that.

I should be doing my homework. Ahhh Fuck it. That's why I wrote today, for a distraction, worked well for a good 15 minutes.

Gotta get back to it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Is it just me, or is it hard to talk to the person you want to talk to most? Like fuckk mann, I don't even know why, but it's just harder! Haha, weather you're trying to impress someone, or get your opinion out, it's really hard for me. Now, don't get me wrong, if I'm talking to you a lot, it doesn't mean that you don't matter to me, it's just... I DON'T KNOW!!! This feeling I can't describe, and it sucks. All these favorite people in my life, for example, my parents (but not only my parents), are difficult to talk to. But whatever, all I'm trying to say is, if I don't talk, maybe I need a little more initiative, motivation or a smile from you or something.

To all the haters out there, I'd like to say "Fuck you." But you know, It's hard for me to say it because its the thing i wanna say most.

Haha, I don't get how these rappers like T.I. and Lil' Wayne say haters motivate them. Like seriously? They don't have any grudge on them or any hate against them? Guess they have no heart or soul or something. Oh yeah, i forgot, these rappers and shit are all fake so apparently they're like invincible to these critics. Honestly, I ain't a beast, I can't handle all these haters and shit, just being real. Most of you hate without really knowing your doing it until after you say it, which make you STUPID.**Read Blog #2 about stupidity** So, maybe if you say something and I just stare out, or not say anything, maybe its a sign you need to shut up, if you can understand that, because I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and talk shit back.

Another reason why I might not talk is that your annoying me. Damn, I sound like I'm on my period today complaining about every little thing. If you actually know me, you'll know the difference between when I'm annoyed, or when I'm actually at a loss for words because something crazy happened. For now I'm going to stop being a bitch and stop crying cause then I'd be a hypocrite talking about how I hate annoying people when I'm being annoying myself, which would make me more of a hypocrite cause I'm being a hypocrite myself.

uhhh that may have gotten confusing.
*Asian Accent* DU YU UNDASTAND!?

Gahh, excuse my language, just these kind of people, who state the obvious, knowing that it affects me, knowing that I do know what's up and I don't need them to restate whats happening, they do it anyways. And THAT I don't respect.

On another note, to the people who actually read and enjoy my blogs, sorry I'm not posting much. I got a lot of end of the year stuff for school, and basketball started again, so be patient, and I'll keep you informed on my updates on my away messages on AIM. YEADIG?

I realized all I do is cry in these blogs, ahah I'll try to change my ways, but this is sort of a vent for me, sooooo I don't know, we'll see where this goes.


I'm out. Buhbye.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Wow, I didn't realize that blogging ideas are hard. Ehh, so I guess I won't be blogging as much as i thought. Kyle M. told me to blog more so I guess I'll listen to her? ahaha, and if you're not reading this Kyle, I'm going to be mad at you.

Anyways... in English today, Harris and I got talking about things that pisses us off. Haha, dude, it's like we see the same thing when it comes to girls, and we're like totally different personalities. Whatevverrrr, we both agreed that we hate when girls make it obvious when they're trying to get at a guy, and then they complain about how guys have no game? Feel me? Haha, sheiiit and a lot more. It's kind of like the thing I have with "stupid people" that get on my nerves. It's a feeling I can not describe, like my heart is screaming OMFG YOU STUPIDD ASS MOFOOOO!!! Now... I'm not talking to all the stupid people out there, justt the ones that get on my nerves. ;). "When they argue with you, you can't win. No matter how much you're smarter than them, it's impossible. They argue with you, and bring you down to their level, and beat you with stupidty (the subject they know best), then you ask yourself, 'Did I lose an argument to a stupid person?'"-Campbell (english teacher), in my words. Ehh, honestly, I'm not trying to be arogant or conceited, but most of you know what I'm talking about... hopefully, or i just babbled on for like 10 minutes about nothing.

In other news, I never realized that my English teacher, as short, and awkward looking as he is, knows plenty about girls. He constantly shares his history about his past (supposidly smokin sexy) girlfriends and apparently he knows everything. So far he has proven himself, even though some of his stories seem overly exagerated, but its good, he keeps us entertained. He once told us "Girls are crazy, Guys are dumb." Perfectly said. Think about it... Yes, we both sexes have flaws, even though I wouldn't want to admit that I am dumb, but I do some stupid shit sometimes =/ sorry girlfriend (If you actually follow my blog).

Gahhh, I got lots more on my mind, but I think I'm going to end it here.
For some reason i feel like i have just babbled on about nonsense that you don't even care about.... whatever, better than telling you what happened hour after hour throughout my day.

Don't forget to follow me. Send me feedback, and tell me to blog, I'm going to need motivation for blogging. (Goodjob Kyle.) ahaha

Later Blogspot, Bye Readers.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Well, this is my blogspot. Welcome. It will be your choice to follow it or not, but I hope you do, because that would mean I'm just writing all this nonsense for nothing.

Of Course, my first blog will be about introducing myself, just like any other blog.

It's this simple:
Name: Kento Shinozuka Hayworth. Yes, that's what the "S" stands for. I realized in my life I was embarrassed by it, mainly because people butcher it, but I'll put all things aside from now on.
School: Finishing up my most dreaded school year, so far, at James Logan High.
Birthday: August 1st, 1993. Yeah, no balloons to show off at school for me, that's why my birthdays haven't been special lately, make it special for me. Please.
Other: I am half Japanese, and half White, and I love my life. I play basketball, and I consider myself a successful student.

Look, I intend to blog what's on my mind, not talk about what happened in my day, where I went, or who I saw. When I read other blogs that talk about that, it tends to bore me, but that is just my opinion.

I want to blog kind of like this guy.
but I don't think I can even come close to his level of making people laugh.

Ehh, I'll try my best to keep my followers entertained, if I possibly could get some and that's all I can promise. Who knows, I might get bored of doing all this work myself. But for now, this is it. And that's my intro.

Check me out every now and again. Thanks. late