Thursday, May 7, 2009


Wow, I didn't realize that blogging ideas are hard. Ehh, so I guess I won't be blogging as much as i thought. Kyle M. told me to blog more so I guess I'll listen to her? ahaha, and if you're not reading this Kyle, I'm going to be mad at you.

Anyways... in English today, Harris and I got talking about things that pisses us off. Haha, dude, it's like we see the same thing when it comes to girls, and we're like totally different personalities. Whatevverrrr, we both agreed that we hate when girls make it obvious when they're trying to get at a guy, and then they complain about how guys have no game? Feel me? Haha, sheiiit and a lot more. It's kind of like the thing I have with "stupid people" that get on my nerves. It's a feeling I can not describe, like my heart is screaming OMFG YOU STUPIDD ASS MOFOOOO!!! Now... I'm not talking to all the stupid people out there, justt the ones that get on my nerves. ;). "When they argue with you, you can't win. No matter how much you're smarter than them, it's impossible. They argue with you, and bring you down to their level, and beat you with stupidty (the subject they know best), then you ask yourself, 'Did I lose an argument to a stupid person?'"-Campbell (english teacher), in my words. Ehh, honestly, I'm not trying to be arogant or conceited, but most of you know what I'm talking about... hopefully, or i just babbled on for like 10 minutes about nothing.

In other news, I never realized that my English teacher, as short, and awkward looking as he is, knows plenty about girls. He constantly shares his history about his past (supposidly smokin sexy) girlfriends and apparently he knows everything. So far he has proven himself, even though some of his stories seem overly exagerated, but its good, he keeps us entertained. He once told us "Girls are crazy, Guys are dumb." Perfectly said. Think about it... Yes, we both sexes have flaws, even though I wouldn't want to admit that I am dumb, but I do some stupid shit sometimes =/ sorry girlfriend (If you actually follow my blog).

Gahhh, I got lots more on my mind, but I think I'm going to end it here.
For some reason i feel like i have just babbled on about nonsense that you don't even care about.... whatever, better than telling you what happened hour after hour throughout my day.

Don't forget to follow me. Send me feedback, and tell me to blog, I'm going to need motivation for blogging. (Goodjob Kyle.) ahaha

Later Blogspot, Bye Readers.

1 comment:

  1. I read it! =) By the way, "Goodjob Kyle?" Why thank you!
