Monday, May 4, 2009


Well, this is my blogspot. Welcome. It will be your choice to follow it or not, but I hope you do, because that would mean I'm just writing all this nonsense for nothing.

Of Course, my first blog will be about introducing myself, just like any other blog.

It's this simple:
Name: Kento Shinozuka Hayworth. Yes, that's what the "S" stands for. I realized in my life I was embarrassed by it, mainly because people butcher it, but I'll put all things aside from now on.
School: Finishing up my most dreaded school year, so far, at James Logan High.
Birthday: August 1st, 1993. Yeah, no balloons to show off at school for me, that's why my birthdays haven't been special lately, make it special for me. Please.
Other: I am half Japanese, and half White, and I love my life. I play basketball, and I consider myself a successful student.

Look, I intend to blog what's on my mind, not talk about what happened in my day, where I went, or who I saw. When I read other blogs that talk about that, it tends to bore me, but that is just my opinion.

I want to blog kind of like this guy.
but I don't think I can even come close to his level of making people laugh.

Ehh, I'll try my best to keep my followers entertained, if I possibly could get some and that's all I can promise. Who knows, I might get bored of doing all this work myself. But for now, this is it. And that's my intro.

Check me out every now and again. Thanks. late


  1. You blog like a girl with the colors and stuff hahaha

  2. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world my fellow blogger =)
