Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Is it just me, or is it hard to talk to the person you want to talk to most? Like fuckk mann, I don't even know why, but it's just harder! Haha, weather you're trying to impress someone, or get your opinion out, it's really hard for me. Now, don't get me wrong, if I'm talking to you a lot, it doesn't mean that you don't matter to me, it's just... I DON'T KNOW!!! This feeling I can't describe, and it sucks. All these favorite people in my life, for example, my parents (but not only my parents), are difficult to talk to. But whatever, all I'm trying to say is, if I don't talk, maybe I need a little more initiative, motivation or a smile from you or something.

To all the haters out there, I'd like to say "Fuck you." But you know, It's hard for me to say it because its the thing i wanna say most.

Haha, I don't get how these rappers like T.I. and Lil' Wayne say haters motivate them. Like seriously? They don't have any grudge on them or any hate against them? Guess they have no heart or soul or something. Oh yeah, i forgot, these rappers and shit are all fake so apparently they're like invincible to these critics. Honestly, I ain't a beast, I can't handle all these haters and shit, just being real. Most of you hate without really knowing your doing it until after you say it, which make you STUPID.**Read Blog #2 about stupidity** So, maybe if you say something and I just stare out, or not say anything, maybe its a sign you need to shut up, if you can understand that, because I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and talk shit back.

Another reason why I might not talk is that your annoying me. Damn, I sound like I'm on my period today complaining about every little thing. If you actually know me, you'll know the difference between when I'm annoyed, or when I'm actually at a loss for words because something crazy happened. For now I'm going to stop being a bitch and stop crying cause then I'd be a hypocrite talking about how I hate annoying people when I'm being annoying myself, which would make me more of a hypocrite cause I'm being a hypocrite myself.

uhhh that may have gotten confusing.
*Asian Accent* DU YU UNDASTAND!?

Gahh, excuse my language, just these kind of people, who state the obvious, knowing that it affects me, knowing that I do know what's up and I don't need them to restate whats happening, they do it anyways. And THAT I don't respect.

On another note, to the people who actually read and enjoy my blogs, sorry I'm not posting much. I got a lot of end of the year stuff for school, and basketball started again, so be patient, and I'll keep you informed on my updates on my away messages on AIM. YEADIG?

I realized all I do is cry in these blogs, ahah I'll try to change my ways, but this is sort of a vent for me, sooooo I don't know, we'll see where this goes.


I'm out. Buhbye.

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