Monday, July 6, 2009

The Fourth

Even though you were far away, physically, you always manage to pop up into everything I do.

Yupp, that's how boring this Independence Day was, well compared to previous ones. The food was nice though, the bad thing is that I can't burn off the fat I gain off the goodass food. Can't sweat cause of this stupid cast, and it still starting to stink. FUCKK. One more week.

Another death... RIP Billy Mays, you always got my attention from your first line,

I also never knew how much Micheal Jackson's songs go. He's the only singer I've been listining to this whole week. Pretty cool.

People I hear all the time say, "
NOW you listen to him."
Well, usually I'll contradict you and start up another argument with the people who do say it, but this time, I'm going to stick with, "You're right."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Two-In-One Day

Life ain't smiling at me these days.

I'll find someway to smile back. Cause it's what I do.

Oh fasho.

[So Sick - Ne-Yo]
Throwback. Shit Go.

You know what don't go?

My Cast :(


To celebrate my 10th post on blogspot, I received this fabulous present


Woohooo, that's the way to continue my weakass summer. I hope it's temporary, the x-rays couldn't tell whether it's broken or not, so they put a cast on it anyways. I'm going to get it checked again on Monday. I swear the doctor is stupid, okay, I promised, on my first blog post, I wouldn't talk about my day, but count this as an exception, because I have to vent about this sheiit.

Kay, doctor appointment scheduled at 5:30, yess I could sleep in :D. Once I arrived there, I checked in, and waited. Waited. And Waited. 1 hour later the doctor calls me in the room. And I'm sitting there with my Dad, waiting, waiting waiting, its about 7 now. This Asian woman doctor comes in, all friendly and shit, then she's all nice and I'm like cannn I gooo homeee???? My wrist ain't even that baddddd. And she grabs my wrist, and pushes on certain parts.

She gets to a point where she pushes one point of my wrist and I wince, or flinch, cause it goddamn hurt. See, she doesn't seem to get that.

Scenario 1
Doctor: "Does it hurt here?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long: "OWWW YEAHHH!"
*Pushes different part on my wrist*
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"Nah it's okay there.*
*Goes back to same point on my wrist where it hurt*
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"ahhh that hurts!"
*Goes higher on my wrist*
Doctor:"Not here?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"Nope"
*Goes back to where it hurts.*
Doctor:"Here though right?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"YESSSS!"
*Goes differnt part of my hand"
Doctor:"Not here thoe?"
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:"Nope"
*Goes back to where it hurts."
Badmood Kento because he had to wait so long:OWWW

Then she looks at my Dad, and is like, "See how he pulls back when put pressure on that part, it could mean its broken. See him pull back?" *Pushes same point where it hurts, I pull back* "See like that? It means it could be broken." Pushing the same spot like 50 times to have a hunch that it's broken, and at a spot on my hand where she can't x-ray it for some stupid reason. I swear she treated me like a ragdoll or something.

On top of that, I went to get an x-ray, with this cool black guy that talked to me about basketball. I swear, he lightened the mood a little.
But THENN I go back to the same woman who does the same process
"See? Look how he pulls back, that means it could be broken."
and I'm thinkin, No shit sherlock, why are you even a doctor? I could even said that.
So, she sends me to the cast room, even thoe she's not sure that whether I have a broken bone or a sprain. And guess what, the cast putter-onner is cross eyed with stanky ass breath.

Scenario 2
"Do yoo drink soooda?"
"Do yooo drink anythinng with a caaann?"
"Uhh don't tell me you drink beeeeeer."
"I drink lemonade?"
"Well, hold your hand our like your giving me a can."

Fuck are you serious? Shoulda told me that at the start. I know your trying to be nice and shit, but after making me wait 3 hours, I just wanna hurry it up and let me play some videogames. Then you make me look stupid when I say "Lemonade" making it look like lemonade comes in a can.
All of that, and it's probably not even broken, doesn't feel like it, but my dad had to "MAKE SURE."

Well, if it is broken, don't be surprised when I come back to school in the fall and look fat. I'm not supposed to sweat, so no exercise.

Every person I have seen so far laughed at me cause of this cast. T_T. Not cool.